Infrequently Asked Questions

Are you a new reader?  Well, then, let me answer some questions you may be having.

Q:  Who are you?

A: Well, I'm just an average middle aged lady who can't find a therapist who works odd hours, so instead, I blog.  I'm a Scorpio, located out of Tennessee, and I work, I make jelly and I do laundry.

Q:  Why should I care about your blog?

A:  Because when I'm not busy complaining about dieting, the grief process or working my ass off, I'm actually reasonably funny.  And not a terrible writer.

Q:  I've been reading for awhile, and you're not a great writer.  When are you planning to get funny?

A: Huh, yeah?  Where's your blog?  Where's your funny little blog?

Q:  How do you come up with titles for your posts? 

A:  Often, they're obscure lyrics.  Take my recent post entitled "Don'tcha Just Love It?"  They are from a song called Chicka Boom, Chicka Boom - and the song starts with, "Last night, I had a crazy dream..."   - since the post was about a crazy dream, I chose the title based on that.

Q: So, what's new on the dog front?

A:  Look, obviously,  I'd like to get another dog.  We're starting early discussions about it, and it'll mean installing a pen in the back yard.  Keep your eye on this site.  If get a dog, you'll know.  Also, I think it would be awesome if we could agree on a breed...I'm just a fan of the terriers.  I can't help it.

Q:  How's the diet and exercise regimen going this year?

A:  ((Crickets))

Q:  Really?

A:  I'm definitely eating better and less, but it's slow going.  I did go to Zumba this morning, and it didn't suck.

Q: What's in store for the next 1000 posts?

A:  First, thanks for noticing my 1000 post milestone.  Second... I don't know.  I hope that it'll be a funnier year.  I'm optimistic.  I feel like I'm getting funnier.  I hope so.  But you know, travel stuff, maybe a little dog owner stuff, and I'm sure I'll continue to deal with grief and angst, as one will.

Q:  Do you accept tips?

A:  I do - hit me up and I'll tell you all about it.



*applauds 1,000 posts* Congrats! Never stop!